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Have a bad posture? Pleasantview Physiotherapy Can Help!

At some point or another, we’ve all been told to sit up straight at the dinner table or stop slouching in class. While this felt like an annoyance at the time, keeping proper posture is crucial to the continued function of your body. Postural education goes a long way to ensuring your body is in proper alignment. If you’re struggling with pain around the neck, back, shoulders, hips, knees, or ankles, the team at Pleasantview Physiotherapy is at your service. At our Edmonton, AB clinic, we use a variety of tools to evaluate your posture and come to a treatment strategy. Our postural education services are tailored to each patient’s needs and can focus on anything from strength training to complete rehabilitation. Learn more about postural education exercises and how they can help you!

Young man practicing Upward Facing Dog Pose

Defining Posture: The Good and the Bad

We hear a lot about having good posture, but what exactly does this mean? In essence, posture is how we hold our bodies, usually while standing, sitting, or performing everyday tasks. Some of us have good posture, a stance in which our bodies are correctly aligned to support our weight. Those with proper posture take advantage of more efficient muscles, ligaments, bones, and even internal organs. On the other hand, many people neglect their posture or don’t know how to stay in alignment. Poor posture means your body’s structures, like the spine, are less supported than they should be. This often results in soreness, headaches, chronic back pain, and tension throughout the body. Poor posture also affects your organs, inhibiting their ability to function efficiently. If you notice you have poor posture, you’ll want to seek help from the postural education professionals at Pleasantview Physiotherapy. Left unchecked, improper posture can lead to the body changing its shape to accommodate the poor alignment.

What causes bad posture?

A plethora of circumstances might cause bad posture. When we limit our body’s motion sitting at a desk all day or driving a car for hours on end, our body’s alignment can begin to falter. As our body tries to adapt to a lifestyle with limited movement, our posture suffers. Sometimes, we develop improper posture from too much repetitive activity or overused and overstretched muscles. However, poor posture could also be the result of structural problems or deformities. Some of our patients at Pleasantview Physiotherapy were born with spinal or muscular problems that can be alleviated through postural education. The team at our clinic in Edmonton can help you decide what may have caused your poor alignment and develop postural education exercises to correct the problem.

How Your Physiotherapist in Edmonton Can Help

If you’re struggling with poor posture, the team at Pleasantview Physiotherapy can help. Our staff is well-trained to help you with postural education and the exercises you need to make therapy a success. First, we will assess your current condition, then we’ll create a custom treatment plan complete with several postural education exercises. We work with you throughout several sessions to help you achieve your goals—a life with less pain. Be sure to let us know your concerns with your posture. Rest assured, our experienced team knows how to help.

Following Our Tips for Proper Posture

We understand you’re busy, and you might not have time to stop by our clinic right away. Until you have a few hours to pencil in an appointment with Pleasantview Physiotherapy, we have plenty of tips to help you improve your posture on your own. Here are our tips for sitting and standing properly:

When Sitting
  • Don’t cross your legs
  • Use a backrest
  • Keep your forearms parallel to the ground
  • Avoid staying the same position for too long
  • Keep your feet planted on the floor
When Standing
  • Keep your weight on the balls of your feet
  • Tuck your stomach in
  • Bend your knees slightly
  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Pull your shoulders back
  • Shift your weight from foot to foot when standing for a prolonged period of time

Find Out More About Postural Education

With these tips and some help from our experienced team, your posture can improve significantly. The staff at Pleasantview Physiotherapy is here to create a treatment plan custom to you and account for any of your concerns along the way. We understand postural education is a difficult path and can feel frustrating at times. However, our compassionate team in Edmonton, AB is happy to guide you every step of the way. We’ll help with everything from identifying the cause of teaching postural education exercises. Contact us today to learn more about this service.

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