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Treating Edmonton, AB, Patients Pain With Acupuncture

Maintaining a well-rounded collection of therapeutic services for our patients involves offering proven-effective methods of healing and pain reduction. Acupuncture is a treatment option originating in China that has been used for centuries. Pleasantview Physiotherapy provides medical acupunctuere to our Edmonton, AB patients because of its ability to relieve pain and speed healing in areas affected by an injury. We have six physical therapists who are all certified by the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute, and they’re registered to use medical acupuncture within their scope of practice with the Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association. Patients of Pleasantview Physiotherapy have experienced positive results through this treatment option, and we’ve preserved our history of success with various types of chronic and acute injuries since 1983 by providing personalized care for everyone who visits our location.

acupunture therapy

Goals of Acupuncture Treatment

Pleasantview Physiotherapy uses acupuncture for a variety of conditions, and we often use it in conjunction with physical therapy services.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture is a technique where a thin, disposable solid needle is inserted into the skin at specific points on the body. The needle may be manipulated by hand or by electrical stimulation. During an acupuncture treatment, the body releases its own morphine-like chemical substances, which strengthens the immune system by reducing inflammation and increasing the body’s natural resistance to diseases.

Contact Our Office to Learn About Your Treatment Options

When you visit Pleasantview Physiotherapy Clinic to treat your injuries, you get professional care from well-trained and certified physiotherapists with expertise in a variety of treatment options, including acupuncture. Each patient will have different needs, and we make sure the treatments you receive address the unique factors of your condition and lifestyle.

What Would Your Life Look Like Without Pain?